Then there are the flowers! Bright sunflowers, colorful zinnias, mixed arrays of floral eye candy.I came home with purple and white statice that I can have dry out and last me until next year. That is, unless one of my cats decide that it makes a good nibble. Why do cats do that???
To top off my beautiful day on the North Shore of Long Island, I stopped in to "The Modern Snack Bar ", a flash from the past family run restaurant where the waitresses wear white uniforms and everything is home cooked. I had the most delicious broiled flounder, mashed potatoes and cole slaw. Yummo! My tummy was full, my eyes were pleased and I had a car full of fresh fruits and veggies.
Try and get out and about in your towns and support the local farmers.
Question: I try to put my pictures in between my writings but they all come out grouped together. Any suggestions, blog pals?